Behind the veil

Sometimes it seems that we pretend that it does not hurt when we hear some bad comment about our physique. We laugh or ignore that we have been comparing ourselves to other people for a long time; seeing our reflection and wondering why my nose is so big? Why do my arms look so skinny? When did I get stretch marks? When did I become the woman with the small bust? And if my bones were seen less?. If I turned to see the number of times I asked myself «why do I and they don’t?» we would have endless insecurities on this long list because we have always been told that what we do not have makes us less capable and we have had to make a space for ourselves the hard way to validate that what we do have gives us even more capabilities and makes us be who are we. Why not praise each other every time we meet? The power of the word is immense and it is that nothing is difficult for us to talk to each other nicely to cheer us up for a little while… it was then that I understood that constructive comments did not come only from the compliments of others but that in my love language, there must also be «I”.


Behind the veil I choose to love myself without fear while I look in the mirror and think that every day I am stronger, and it is that only the cruelest are the weakest. Now my feet are going down a path in which I seek to fill myself with words of love because love must be delicate and careful: speaking to myself subtly makes me feel that any wound heals and fills me with new capabilities and makes me look pretty and smile because I’m accepting me with everything I have and what I don’t. I understand that life is lived one day at a time and it’s okay if I don’t like tomorrow because I learned to fall in love with myself: sometimes with more work than others and always seeing myself as my goal because if I don’t take care of myself, nobody will. me and if I love myself, the hurtful words will last just a couple of seconds without misrepresenting my reflection in that mirror. I take off my veil, I am human and I accept and hug myself, sometimes I hide behind him but I understand myself and I say “it’s okay, I can’t always handle everything”.

We continue to maintain the intention of the project so that any woman can participate, recognize herself, see herself with more confidence, forget complexes and truly love herself.

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Text and model




Julian Rodriguez



Paula Castillo
Gallery with 30 exclusive photographs

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