Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website

These terms and conditions of use of the website (hereinafter the “Website”) regulate the use that you can give as a visitor to the content published on the Website, as well as the conduct that you can develop during your visit. visit and use of the Website. By visiting the Website, you accept these terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them. You are responsible for your use of the Website. It is your responsibility to periodically review and comply with these Terms and Conditions of Use.

Conditions of access

1. Terms of use of public content 

The Content (which includes or may include text, information, images, photographs, drawings, logos, designs, video, multimedia, software, applications, music, sounds, among others, as well as their selection and arrangement), is the exclusive property of Diarios Secretos, or third parties who have granted a license to Diarios Secretos, with all rights reserved. As such, said Content is protected by the laws and international treaties in force regarding Intellectual Property. Diarios Secretos grants you a license to view the Content on the Website, and to cache it on your computer for that purpose only. This document can be printed and stored by you.

Other than the foregoing, Diarios Secretos does not grant visitors any license to download, reproduce, copy, frame, compile, upload or republish on any Internet, Intranet or Extranet site, adapt, modify, transmit, sell or communicate to the public, in whole or in part, the Content. Any of these activities requires the prior, express and written authorization of Diarios Secretos, under penalty of incurring in violation of industrial and intellectual property rights, and submitting to the civil and criminal consequences of such fact, as well as the right of Diarios Secretos to revoke the license granted herein.

Except as otherwise expressly stated herein, nothing in these Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website shall be construed as granting a license on intellectual property rights, whether by legal impediment, by implication or in any other way. This license may be revoked at any time without notice, with or without cause.

The Website may not be used for any immoral or illegal purpose. Data entered for such purposes will be deleted immediately.

You agree to make proper use of the Content. By way of example but not limitation, you agree to:

  • Not to use the Content to incur and/or incite third parties to incur in illicit, illegal activities or activities contrary to good faith and public order, or to spread content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal nature, advocating terrorism. or attack against human rights;
  • Not use automated scripts to collect information posted on or through the Website or to otherwise interact with the Website;
  • Do not cause damage to the physical and logical systems of Diarios Secretos, its suppliers or third parties, introduce or spread computer viruses, Trojans, malicious code or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause damage to and/or or are designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any software, hardware or telecommunications equipment or to damage, disable, overburden or impair the Website in any way; and
  • Do not try to access, collect or store the personal data of other Visitors and/or Users of the Website and, where appropriate, use the email accounts of other Visitors and/or Users and modify or manipulate their messages.


The photographic packages sent to your e-mail are the exclusive property of Diarios Secretos, with all rights reserved. As such, this content is protected by the laws and international treaties in force regarding Intellectual Property. These images may be stored by you. Diarios Secretos grants you a license to make one copy on your computer for this purpose only.


Apart from the above, Diarios Secretos does not grant any license to reproduce, copy, frame, upload or republish on any Internet, Intranet or extranet site, adapt, modify, transmit, sell or communicate to the public, in whole or in part, the content.


2. Information and third party websites 

The Website may offer hyperlinks or access to web pages and contents of other natural or legal persons, with the purpose of informing the user about the existence of other sources capable of expanding the contents that it offers, or that are related to them. Secret Newspapers does not control, endorse, or guarantee the content included in said sites, nor is it responsible for the operation or accessibility of the linked Web pages; nor does it suggest, invite or recommend a visit to them, so it will not be responsible for the result obtained.

The user accepts that Diarios Secretos is not responsible for any content, associated link, resource or service related to the site of a third party. Likewise, the user accepts that Diarios Secretos will not be responsible for any loss or damage of any kind that derives from the use made of the contents of a third party.

Diarios Secretos cannot guarantee the availability of online services and information that users require at any given time. Nor will it incur responsibility with the user or third parties, when its web page is not available.

3. Cookies 


This portal makes use of its own and third-party cookies. Keep in mind that the use of cookies will allow you to optimize your experience on this portal.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the user’s computer / smartphone / tablet when accessing certain web pages.

Cookie purposes:

Diarios Secretos will use cookies to:

– Determine your browsing preferences;
– Optimize the services offered;
– Offer a better user browsing experience; – For statistical purposes, among other purposes.

Acceptance of use of Cookies:

What type of Cookies exist:
There are several types of cookies based on different criteria:

Depending on the time they remain activated:
• Session cookies. They are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page…
• Permanent cookies: They are a type of cookies in which the data is still stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed during a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie.

Depending on ownership:
• Own cookies. They are those that belong to the owner of the website.
• Third party cookies. They are those whose ownership is of a third party, other than the owner of the website, who will be the one who processes the information collected.

By accepting these “Terms and Conditions”, you accept that Diarios Secretos use cookies for the purposes indicated here.

The continuous use of this website will be understood as acceptance of the “Terms and Conditions” and as a consequence, the use of cookies.

Depending on their purpose:
• Technical and/or personalization cookies. They are those that serve to improve the service, locate incidents, recognize the user, etc.
• Analysis and/or advertising cookies. They are those that serve to analyze information about navigation and offer advertising, whether generic or personalized.

Cookie settings:

You can configure your browser to notify and reject the installation of cookies sent by the Portal, without preventing your access to the Contents. However, please note that by disabling the use of cookies you may experience a decrease in the quality of the website’s performance.

4. Infringing Content Notification Procedure 

Diarios Secretos respects and promotes the protection of the intellectual property rights of third parties. However, sometimes Diarios Secretos will publish inadvertently and without bad faith on your part, content whose rights belong to third parties. To do this, Diarios Secretos has established the following notification procedure for content that violates the rights of third parties.

In the event that you find content on the Website that you consider violates your rights, we ask you to send a written communication to our email:

Please include the following information in the communication:

  • The page or URL on which the content considered infringing appears.
  • A clear and detailed description of the content considered infringing. In the event that there are several works on the page or URL, this description must be sufficient to identify which of all is the work that is violating your rights.
  • An explanation of how the content in question violates your rights. If you have documents that prove ownership of your rights, please attach a copy.
  • A statement under oath that the information sent in your communication is correct.
  • Your contact information, such as name, identification, address of written and electronic correspondence, telephone, cell phone, etc.

Please note that in case the information sent in your communication is incorrect, Diarios Secretos does not assume responsibility for the consequences of its withdrawal. Consequently, you must be aware that by sending your communication you assume the damages that may be caused to third parties in good faith.

Diarios Secretos will review the case, and if it finds merit in your complaint, it will proceed to withdraw the material. In the event that the information has been sent and published on Our blog as public access content, Diarios Secretos will transmit the complaint to the Author or User who has sent the content considered in violation, who will have a period of fifteen (15) current days to respond to the complaint. To do this, the Author or User must send a communication to Diarios Secretos with the following information:

  • An explanation of why the content was not in violation of the alleged rights. If you have documents that prove it, you must attach a copy.
  • A statement under oath that the information sent in your communication is correct.
  • Your contact information, such as name, identification, address of written and electronic correspondence, telephone, cell phone, etc.

After the response of the Author or User, Diarios Secretos will analyze the case and decide whether to maintain the blocking of the content, or whether to publish it again.

5. Limitation of Liability 

Diarios Secretos is not responsible for:

  • The crashes of the Website and the failure in the provision of the service, being exonerated for any type of damages caused due to the non-availability and/or interruption of the service caused by failures or non-availability of the telecommunications networks and services used for support the Website , and that are beyond their control.
  • The damages caused by computer viruses, Trojans, malicious code or any other physical or logical systems to the Users’ systems.
  • Typing and/or typographical errors that appear in the Content.
  • The opinions published by Users through blog comments.

The content of hyperlinked sites appearing on the Website including, without limitation, any link contained in the Linked Sites, any changes or updates to the Linked Sites, any transmission received or sent to or from the Linked Sites, or the malfunction of Linked Sites. Diarios Secretos provides these Linked Sites to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any Linked Site does not imply endorsement by Diarios Secretos of any such site or any association with their operators.

6. Data Processing Authorization 

By browsing the Website as a subscriber, you are expressing your free, express and informed consent, under the terms of the Law on Protection of Personal Data in the Republic of Colombia and other regulations for other countries, so that Diarios Secretos , carry out the treatment of the data provided by you, according to the purposes described in the personal data treatment policy to which and especially, to inform by any means and maintain efficient communication, about promotions, news and products and services related to editorial products edited and/or marketed by Diarios Secretos.

You expressly declare that the purpose of the use by Diarios Secretos of your personal data has been fully informed and expressly authorizes that your data may be transferred or transmitted with strategic allies, duly authorized by Diarios Secretos, which will be delivered only in accordance with the principles, guidelines and provisions of the law. Remember that as the owner you have the right to Know, update, rectify, delete and revoke your authorization through the channels described in the data processing policy.

Secret Diaries may modify these Terms and Conditions of Use of the Portal at any time and without prior notice, as soon as a new version is published on the Diarios Secretos website, in any case, it will publish the date on which the current version of the Terms and Conditions was published, for informational purposes of the Users.

Bogota DC, Colombia. April 2023

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