Yesterday a girl on twitter said that she did not find a woman modest or pretty who, in order to feel empowered, would «undress». When questioning her and telling her that this was an act of self-love for many of her, she simply replied that in the end the one who lost her courage was me.
Eye! Lose my value? be modest? Stop being pretty by showing skin? I asked myself these questions, a little disappointed and sad, but above all, greatly surprised to see the ability of others (men and women) to minimize the processes of others only because of a prejudice of value and a need to make it look vulgar. and negative, something as natural as nudity.
Today I rescue and highlight my decision, my nudity and that of others, because on the long road to get rid of the lies that society tells us about our body, I walked alone observing my body, and I could not believe that I did not like what I saw, while also having a hard time thinking that I couldn’t feel good about myself. But today, after going through a long process of acceptance, reconciling with my thoughts, continuing to affirm myself daily, and above all, having recognized myself naked and vulnerable to the world, I have learned to love myself much more.
I learned that exposing myself skin, soul and heart was an act of courage and deep love, not a mechanism of approval, much less a way to seek applause. Getting naked has been one of the decisions I thought about the most precisely because of comments like the one I mentioned at the beginning, but then I understood that it had been one of the best decisions I had made in life, because among women I found strength and I am completely convinced that among women women are inspired.
I have known the power of seeing myself and that through my process, other women begin to see themselves too. If this isn’t truly powerful, I don’t know what is. Today I invite all those women who for so many reasons avoid looking at themselves in the mirror naked, to take all the time necessary to understand each other, to see each other, and then recognize the feat of working on themselves, because in this world where they judge even for loving each other , putting yourself first is a revolution.